It’s easy for people to say: Get Organized, Make-a-Plan, Take Action. Get involved in something. But it’s usually easier said than done. You’ll need some strategies to get going.


The Secret of Getting Ahead is Getting Started. And the Secret to Getting Started is to Break Down your (Seemingly, my word) Complex, Overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, then starting on the first one.”

It’s about achieving short-term goals. Chipping away at stuff, checking things off as you reach each milestone. Accomplishing things a little at a time - but be consistent.

My plan consists of 4-steps / pillars that form a very strong foundation:

1. IDENTIFY fields, industries, or areas of interest to pursue.

     2. IMPROVE INTERNET SEARCH SKILLS - Get familiar using effective internet search techniques.

For ex: Use many words, terms, phrases to bring up valuable information that can be found through a simple internet search.

3. WRITE A KILLER COVER LETTER – maybe you don’t need a detailed resume any longer to capture peoples attention

4. HAVE A DIALOGUE STRATEGY – Be able to tell an interesting story when people call you for meetings and interviews as a result of receiving your Killer Cover Letter. HAVE SOLID ANSWERS & RESPONSES AT THE READY...

With these 4-Steps – you’re covering every base. Which ties into the idea of Creating Your Own Opportunities.  Not waiting for things to fall into your lap.

With this level of preparation and being this organized, you’ll have so much confidence and be in such a zone. Because you’ll have everything you need right in front of you to react in an instant.

"Luck is the intersection where Preparation (hard work) and Opportunity Meet"